
Does anyone else flip through magazines from the back to front? Or flip to the last chapter of a book before you even start reading? I do all that time. So what better way to start my list than with #29 Redo my Gma’s bike and USE it!

Here is the before pic.bikebefore

This bike belonged to my grandmother, Myrtle, and I think it’s from the late 50’s.  I’ve already started working on it and as soon as it’s ready I will post a “how to” on restoring a vintage bike. Here are a few more before pics.

bikebefore1 bikebefore2


Blog Me Maybe?!

Hey, I just met you, and this is crazy……    ok I’ll stop there.  But wait……Blog Me Maybe?!  Hi, my name is Sarah.


I’ve been reading blogs for a long time, but have always failed to create my own.  After setting up this wordpress account, I realized this was my 3rd attempt at a blog. (really?!? How do I forget these things?) Third time’s a charm right? Last month I turned 29, and like many before me, I had the realization that I’m becoming an adult way faster than I had expected. I still picture myself being 17. So after being inspired by another blogger (Elsie @ A beautiful Mess) I decided to make a list.  29 things to do before I’m 30… and blog about it!


I’ve already been hard a work at a few things on my list. So stay tuned.